Drew Van Zee | The “Knee Pain Magician”
Helping Active People Overcome Knee Pain
So They Can Avoid Costly Injections and Surgery
Is knee pain holding you back from enjoying your favorite activities?
Have you tried other approaches but have not yet found lasting relief?
Are you open to a new, science-based holistic method?
Overcome Knee Pain
Are you struggling with chronic knee pain? Have you been told you have bone on bone degeneration, osteoarthritis, and may need a total knee replacement?
Let me explain why that’s not as important as what you’ve been told…
Knee pain in fact doesn’t come from your knee, but rather your brain.
It’s your brain, and not your knee that has to decide how significant a problem is. Knee pain comes from your brain’s perception of a problem. And that is still true even if you have damage within your knee.
The truth is, most women over 50 show signs of deterioration within their joints. However many do not have pain!
Knee pain is your brain’s way of trying to protect you, when it does not feel confident about moving your body.
And the main reasons why women over 50 have chronic knee pain are…
There is a lack of mobility within their joints and nerves. Their inner ear has a dysfunction and they do not have as good of balance as they once had. And their eyesight is worse.
When you can move, balance, and see well, you will be able to overcome your knee pain.
My Approach
I was able to overcome my pain and transform the lives of many of my clients when I began making the connection between pain and the brain.
You see, western medicine uses a very mechanical approach to pain. Meaning your Orthopedist or specialist will likely focus on where you’re experiencing pain. But, the reality is that approach is chasing the symptoms, rather than addressing the root cause of your knee issues.
What we now know is that you can have structural damage without having pain. And you can have pain without having structural damage. So the connection between the two is not as clear as what we’ve been told. And, no matter what, pain is always a signal from your brain when it doesn’t feel confident about moving your body.
Here’s one way to think about it…
Your brain relies on a map, like you would when traveling. For example, if you were to explore a new city, you’d need a map to show you where you are, what street to turn on etc. That map would give you confidence about your movement.
But, say that map was blurry, and you couldn’t figure out exactly where you are, or where you needed to go. That lack of clarity would give you anxiety and confusion, right?
Your body works the exact same way! Knee pain is a sign that the map your brain relies on for pain-free movement is blurry. How I help active women over 50 reduce their knee pain is by improving the connections between their brain and body.
Your brain relies on 3 systems for pain-free movement which are: mobility, balance and vision.
If you have chronic knee pain, I can guarantee you that your solution lies in improving the function of those 3 systems.

My Story
I help active women over 50 reduce their chronic knee pain so that they can return to enjoying their favorite activities. Helping you move away from pain and regain your quality of life is important to me because I have struggled with it myself.
After high school I started noticing different physical issues and began believing that living with discomfort was just a new reality of life. When I was 22 I was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo a grueling chemotherapy regimen and a major surgery. My life turned upside down.
I beat my cancer but my pain was still with me. I eventually started seeking help from many professionals including doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, you name it. But after all that money and time I still felt essentially the same; until I found Z-Health, a brain-based approach to pain and fitness.
After transforming my life I knew that I wanted to share this approach so that you don’t have to go through the same struggle.
Over the past 9 years I’ve used brain-based training (applied neurology) to help hundreds of people just like you, change their life.
Who This Is For
This Is For You If…
- You’re an active women over 50 who enjoys hiking, gardening, and sports like pickleball
- You’ve been struggling with chronic knee pain and are eager to avoid injections and surgery
- You’re open minded to a new science-based holistic approach that focuses on movement practices to overcome pain
This is NOT for you if...
- You’re not in a position to invest in a lasting solution
- You would rather have someone “fix” you, rather than learn how to take care of yourself moving forward
- You're hoping someone will make the change for you rather than with you.

The vast majority of my clients who are committed, get life changing results.
If they didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to share so many positive success stories.
Typically, someone’s pain is decreased by 50% at minimum, and things that used to be painful and unmanageable, like walking down stairs or taking hikes, become possible once again.
What I expose you to and coach you on is unconventional, but that’s only because western medicine is so far behind on what neuroscience is showing us.
What you do here with me now, will be what everyone else will be doing in the future.
This program has the ability to have a transformational impact because it deals with the root cause rather than the symptoms.
For example, usually when someone has knee pain they visit their doctor. The doctor then orders an X-Ray and says you have bone on bone degeneration and arthritis. You’re referred out to see an Ortho where you may get a cortisone shot and see a PT.
That approach treats only the symptoms of your knee pain, and neglects the rest of the body which is likely contributing to the real problem.
To help my clients, I address other dysfunctions which usually are the root cause, such as poor mobility within the joints and nerves around the knee, lack of vision and balance training, AND MORE…
To start with, if you did imaging on all women over 50, the vast majority would show deterioration/damage within their joints. And each decade up shows more and more deterioration.
But, a big percentage of those who have deterioration DO NOT have pain!
This shows you that pain is not connected to structural damage as much as we’ve been led to believe.
The truth is, more contributes to your knee pain than is acknowledged in traditional therapy.
So, what I will show you WILL NOT further your deterioration.
Your body is designed to move!
Movement brings nutrient rich blood and oxygen which helps repair damaged tissue.
And, when you stop moving your brain and nervous system sense disconnection from your body, and send out pain and stiffness as a protective response.
By improving the key systems in your body, we will reassure your brain about the health of your knee, which will allow pain-free movement.
So, YES, you can reduce or eliminate your pain and improve your mobility without injections or surgery.
That depends.
My 3 Pillars to Move Beyond Knee Pain is exclusively for women over 50 who enjoy being physically active like hiking or playing pickleball, and have the desire to…
…Ultimately overcome chronic knee pain without years of missing out or surgery.
It’s for you IF, you are…
- Fed up with the pain interfering with your life
- Want to avoid injections and surgery
- Eager to hike, or participate in other sports without pain
And, you’ve tried to get help but have not found a lasting solution yet.
In 12 weeks, I will show you how to find freedom from knee pain so you can confidently enjoy an active, adventurous life without limitations or fear of re-injury!
And I will help you do that by providing you with:
- A proven PLAN…
- The right TOOLS to help you execute that plan, and…
- Daily SUPPORT to ensure you are constantly moving forward able to accomplish more than you ever could on your own.

In PERSON Evaluation
Understand & Address YOUR Needs
I will take you through a neurological screening and together we will develop important drills that you can begin using immediately to feel better. I will also send you a video of our takeaways that will assist you as you begin moving away from pain.
Schedule a call for your next step.